Thursday, February 12, 2009


I started a new job today, kind of. I'm now working with external clients at another facility. They're funded by Project PLASE but are housed in an outside agency. Six of these will be my clients, in addition to the two at the co-ed facility. Today all I'm doing is reading files and looking at charts and trying to get to know the people, where they've been, and what they need. It's so hard to try to understand people from these little blurbs that counselors write.

"Client reports witnessing incest between father and daughter."

"Client was diagnosed with HIV in 1985. He called his sister to share diagnosis and she told him to never call her again. His uncle said 'you turned out to be a real bum.' Client has no other family to speak of."

"Client began using heroin at age 17, cocaine at age 20."

"Client dropped out of school after grade 5."

"Client dropped out of school in 7th grade, aged 17 years."

"Diagnosis: Adjustment disorder NOS"

"Diagnosis: Adjustment disorder with depression"

"Diagnosis: anxiety disorder"

"Client is more irritable than usual."

"Client has passive suicidal thoughts but no plan."

Counselor is in over her head.

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